Saturday, August 15, 2015

Being A Stay-At-Home Mom Doesn't Feel Like Its Enough!

We've all been there.
We hear people say all the time "Being a mom IS a job" and "you may not get paid money, but you get paid in love" well, let me just say, as a stay-at-home mom of two kids, sometimes that just doesn't feel like its enough. AND THATS OKAY!
Some nights I'm up all night with my toddler or my infant, because lets face it, kids can be little little jerks, you know they're tired, they know they're tired but they'd rather scream for hours than to admit that you're right and to go to sleep.
Most days my toddler, G, is up WAY before my brain can function, especially on lack of sleep.
Before I can even sneak out of the room, G, usually wakes up S, my 2 month old, so there's a 30 minute nurse session first thing while an anxious toddler waits (un)patiently for her to finish.
I always try to make well rounded meals, hello, I'm a Beachbody Coach, right...?
Usually involves something with eggs and turkey.
Confession: I'm a terrible cook.
I sit at the kitchen table while he eats, S in one arm and a very strong cup of coffee on the other, occasionally leaning over to "persuade" him that he's supposed to eat the eggs, not wear them and not feed them to the dog. After about 30 minutes and a threat of a time out later, breakfast is done. 
Ha! Done, such a funny word. As is anything in my day is ever "done". 
Then it's time to go outside, we live in Texas so by 8am it's literally on the verge of 90 in the summer. I beg and plead for him to come inside by 10. Seriously, I'm melting! (Does that make me a wicked witch?) Even though I TRY to stay in the shade, at least every 5 minutes he's asking for something. "Mom. Jump. (Trampoline) Mom. Run. Mom. Drink. Mom. Millie (dog). Mom. Pickles. (4-legged child) Mom. Ice." Yeah, all of that while holding a 2 month old. 
We come in, most of the time it encompasses kicking and screaming. Seriously, toddler. That is all. 
He wants a snack right about the time S wants to nurse again so I'm throwing something together with one hand and trying not to bump S' head into anything while maneuvering around. It's harder than it sounds. 
Most of the time by then he's petty worn out but some days, it's a fight. 
For about 2 hours I clean, organize, do laundry, (Facebook), try to watch the new season of Scandal on Netflix while moving from one room to the other. 
Did I mention most of this while TRYING to get S to sleep? 
It never fails, about the time she goes to sleep, he wakes up. 
Lunch. Yes, he eats a late lunch.. So what... 
Lunch runs a lot like breakfast.. Throwing food, threats, frazzled nerves and a fat dog. (Does that mean I still have to give her dog food?)
I'm hoping and praying that he doesn't wake her up. Neither of my kids do well without naps. 
3:00. Please let hubby, D, get off soon I usually text around this time and usually he's getting off but sometimes he'll say it'll be a long night. (Yay, overtime!)
Oh wait, that means I have overtime too... (Time and a half? More like tantrum and a half.)
Usually more playing outside, mild heatstroke, and a Popsicle later, husband gets home, tells me he had a long day and that he NEEDS a shower! Keep in mind, I probably haven't had a shower in days can't remember the last time I had a shower by myself. 
Time to come inside, husbands probably sat down on the couch by now and there's a 99% chance he's dozed off. Must. Be. Nice. 
"You're home all day, nap when the kids nap." Yeah, I'll cook when they cook and clean when they clean too, right?
For the people out there whose kids will sit quietly and watch tv, I hate you, seriously. I beg G just please don't bring ALL your toys in the living room! 
I usually give some kind of snack as a bargaining chip so I can cook supper in some kind of peace, whatever that is. 
Put out dinner, wake up D, eat dinner, put up dinner, nurse, dishes and attempt to rangle both children to bed before 10pm. 
*Lather. Rinse. Repeat.*
Start all again tomorrow. 
Now, that is a 24/7 job. I love every minute of it, except when I'm paying the bills.  D works a second job so I don't see him for weeks; He's exhausted by the time he gets home, legitimately, he works more than anyone I know so that we can afford for me to stay home with the kids. 
But at the end of the day when you're exhausted, he's exhausted and the bills are barely paid, you think to yourself, "I'm not enough". Being a mom doesn't pay the bills. Love doesn't pay the bills. 
You want so badly to be able to take some pressure off of your husband but it would make no since to pay someone $1000+ a month to watch the kids and me work to pay for daycare. 
Middle class is getting screwed. I want to go back to school, I want a good job. 
There's no way in hell we can afford for me to go to school. 
I'm not a single mother and we're middle class. You don't get money to go to school, you don't get daycare money to go to school. 
It doesn't matter if the mortgage, electricity and groceries eat your lunch and you're scraping together change to get gas for the rest of the week, you're middle class. 
Sorry, I've covered a cast array of topics here today, this is something I think about on a daily basis. I'm not alone and neither are you. 

14 Day Challenge

Do you have bad eating habits?
Lost focus of your health journey?
Want to lose some inches and gain some control?
My 14 Day Challenge is the right jump-start for you!
How do you sign up?
or search Cheyennes 14 Day Challenge on Facebook and click "join"!
On September 1st the group will become private, so join before then!

August Promotions

Where can in get more info or purchase this product? HERE

 Where can I get more info and purchase this product? HERE

Where can I go to get more info and purchase this product? HERE
Want more info on other products?
Go to my website here or email me at

Exercise and Hypertension

Okay, so MANY Americans suffer from hypertension, a fancy way of saying high blood pressure.
Most are medication dependent and are on a strict diet to make their lives as "normal" as possible.
What most don't know about or are unwilling to try is exercise.
Regular exercise can decrease your blood pressure by 75%! That's huge!
With a decrease of 75%, most people would be able to greatly decrease the amount of medications they're on or even get off of them all together!
Did you know that heart disease is a huge risk factor of hypertension?
Over half a million people die from heart disease every year! That's one in four people!
Everyone pushes for people to stop smoking or drinking because of the health risks, and rightfully so, but shouldn't everyone also be pushing for people to exercise? It kills 25% of people! Much higher than smokers or drinkers!
Who has a higher risk of heart disease?
Men. Men have a 52% higher chance of heart disease from living an inactive lifestyle compared the women at 28%. All of that from lack of exercise.
What is "regular exercise"?
For most healthy adults, regular exercise is defined as 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic exercise such as walking or swimming and strength training at least twice a week. 
Those guidelines don't define everyone, you must talk to your doctor of healthcare professional to find out what's right for you. 
What are some good exercises programs for me?
I recommend:
~21 Day Fix®
~21 Day Fix Extreme®
~Focus T25®
You can find information on these programs HERE
You can also email me or comment below.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Got Mommy Tummy?

If your first thought when you see this picture is "Wow, I have that!" then you are not alone! Most women worry about how having children will change their body, but do you want to know a secret?
I've had 2 children, one of which I gained 87 pounds with, 2 C-sections and a hysterectomy.
I know for a fact, you can say good-bye to that "mommy tummy"!
Ask me how!
Follow Me in my journey and I'll help you with yours!

My Story

First off, I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Cheyenne and I have been a Beachbody Independent Coach for little over a year now.

Why did I join Beachbody?
I joined Beachbody for the same reason most people do; I saw the infomercials. While I was up late feeding my infant son early in the mornings I would see shows about P90X and Insanity, they were having success, why not me? I want my body back, too!
After weeks of watching the same infomercials again and again I noticed that a friend of mine on Facebook was a "coach". I had no idea what this meant but decided to send her a message. I learned that not only does Beachbody sell programs, it also employs coaches to guide people through their health and fitness journey, be motivation and get paid for it! Win!
At 7 months post-partum with my first son, whom I gained 87, yes, EIGHTY-SEVEN, pounds with, I had not only gotten down to BELOW pre-pregnancy weight but could see my muscles again and if in pants I wore in high school!
Go ahead, tell me that's what you want, too! You may not have baby-weight but maybe somewhere along the line you've gotten married and comfortable, gotten a sedimentary job or just lost focus of a healthy lifestyle! That's okay! It's not too late to take back control of your life!
It's NOT EASY! I will never tell you it was easy, what I will tell you is that it was WORTH IT!

Where am I at now?
I am 8 weeks post-partum with my second child, have had 2 C-sections and an emergency hysterectomy all by the ripe old age of 22.
Let me give you a little run-down of why I know you can take charge of your life and your health.
I've had 2 C-sections, like I said above, but my second birth was nowhere near average. I woke up 2 days later in ICU, not knowing anything that had happened. I was still hooked up to a ventilator and was absolutely terrified, but not as terrified as I was when I learned what had happened. During my routine C-section my doctor had commented on how thin my uterus was, okay no big deal, she stitched me up and I headed to recovery with my 7 pound 11 ounce baby girl. Within minutes of arriving in recovery, I started bleeding and continued bleeding through the night. By the next morning I had received 5 bags of blood products and was in excruciating pain. While a nurse was checking on me I started feeling lightheaded, I looked over at the monitors and my heart rate had dropped to 40/20. That was the last thing I remember, I fell unresponsive. They rushed me to the operating room where they learned that my uterus was so thin that the stitches had ripped right through my uterus and I had a blood clot the size of the whole left side of my abdomen that was literally saving my life. The clot was so massive that it was holding pressure on the rips and slowing down the bleeding. I had a total hysterectomy and while I was still open, my blood tests were showing that I was still losing blood, but there was no blood in my abdomen, that's when they discovered that the main artery in my pelvis had ruptured and I was again, bleeding out. It took hundreds of stitches and over 25 units of blood to save my life. I spend 4 days in ICU, 2 of which were in a medically induced coma and 2 days in L&D. I astonished all of the doctors and surgeons, they all believed it would take weeks for me to be ready to go home. I wouldn't accept that. I wanted to be able to hold my babies and go home.
Currently, I'm 8 weeks post-partum and hope to be released soon. Its been a rough time, I'm on a massive amount of blood thinners due to a DVT that I got from the receiving blood products so fast and then being sedimentary for days after, its been a long and rough journey but imagine how long and rough it would have been if my body wasn't as healthy as it is. I believe that I was able to recover so fast because of my determination and my love of fitness.
Now if that doesn't motivate you, I don't know what will.
I am on day 3 of T25, modified of course, no jumping for me.

If I have interested you in any way to pursue health and fitness, please contact me!
I would love to start you on your personal health path!